Social Media Website


ChirpEx is a Social Media platform designed to aid Public Information Officer training for national laboratories nation wide. Training is offered through PAST Fusion Academy who as a developed a rich media environment used to simulate real-world networks. Social media has become a vital communication tool used to decimate crucial information during an emergency event. The goal on this project was to develop a social media platform that users could understand and use just as easliy as those commercially available, yet balance this with a tool that PAST Fusion Academy could use to assess participation and train accordingly.

Users avatar and affiliation occupies the top of the feed, along with the trigger to post. Posting drops from the users top tab into the main feed, visually signifying the users direct participation into the training event.

Nesting replies are collected beneath the original post and branched according to who has replied.

An all participant view was created for users and administrators to view the event as it unfolded.